My four full length novels were published by House of Erotica in 2023. The first three: La Contessa, Mistress of the Air and Adventures in Fetishland Book One – The Red Queen have been republished by them.
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Adventures in Fetishland Book Two – The White Queen has also recently been published by House of Erotica. This book is a new release and was released for the first time in 2023. It had never been published before.
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Eivor with the The Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Trollabundin
I’ve put this here because it’s a piece of music I’m currently listening to a lot and find inspiring. A few words about why this means a lot to me. Eivor is from The Faroe Islands and she’s singing in Faroese, a language based on Ancient Norse (which Vikings probably took because they stopped at Faroe on their way from Orkney/Shetland to Iceland). She’s being accompanied by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra. Because I had an accident and brain injury a few years ago, this music has a huge impact on me. I’ve seen this message: “Try exercising your ears (and your auditory cortex – the part of your brain that processes sound) by listening to unfamiliar music”. So this is a mixture of 21st century classical music and Ancient Norse – an awesome combo and a stunning piece of music! Also, when you sing in a Norse language you don’t only sound different, your whole body changes. I swear Eivor looks and sounds like a female Viking on this clip!